Weekly Activities for Your Newborn Feb 02 , 2024

In babies' first year, their bodies and minds experience rapid development. From sleeping a lot all day to babbling and stumbling toward you, they learn about the world every time they interact with you. From the earliest age, play is critical for kids' physical, emotional, social, and cognitive development. Plus, it builds an important bond with you!


Newborn activities

Although the play time for you and your baby is less, because most time your newborn is sleeping. Your newborn's vision is limited in the first few months, but will be able to develop within the next two to three months, and they'll look to you to learn. They enjoy hearing your voice and touching from you.

Here are a few simple activities you can interact with your newborn baby when they're awake, fed, well-rested, and calm:

Finger Puppets & Shaken, Stirred Rattles

Sensation Interactive(Hand-eye coordination, touch sensitivity)

Gentle Rubdown with baby massage oil

Happy Talk (Response to the sounds your baby make)

Dinosaur Dance(lifting your fingers to make a hand dinosaur, putting your "hand-o-saur" where your baby can see it and walk it over babys skin, using a firm, slightly pressured touch, while talk to your baby )

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