Weekly Activities for 4-Month Baby Mar 08 , 2024

Starting at about 4 months old, your baby's motor skills will really start taking off. By around 4 months old, babies have better control of their hands and are able to grab things and bring them to their mouth. Placing objects within your baby's reach will likely prove irresistible and a good way for your little one to keep busy and learning. But make sure your little one can't grab anything that could cause choking.


During tummy time, put interesting toys within your baby's sight line and reach. Continuing a tummy time routine will strengthen your baby's neck and back in preparation for eventually rolling over and sitting up.


Here are some activities for your 4-month-old baby:
Tummy Bubbles

Youll need bubbles for blowing. Start by blowing a few gently in his direction, letting him reach out to them as they float by (and taking care not to get the soapy bubble formula in his eyes). Though he won't be able to catch the bubbles yet, he'll enjoy grabbing for them.

Then start aiming bubbles at his legs, arms, hands, tummy, and so on, naming each body part as you go.


Bend Over Butterfly

Sit cross-legged on the floor or ground with your baby sitting in your lap facing forward (away from you). Bend from the waist with your arms stretched forward, making a roof over your baby with your body, so you become a "cocoon" enveloping her. Speaking softly and slowly, say, "Okay caterpillar, you're waking up now."

Gradually lift your arms over your head as you say, "You're coming out of your cocoon now, you're becoming a butterfly." Then sit up and reach your baby's arms up, too. Move your arms out to the sides and flap them, saying, "Now you're spreading your wings – you're a butterfly!"

As you play this game over and over, your baby will eventually learn to flap her arms to "be a butterfly," too.

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